News Archive

Blue September - September 2014

Blue September is a "nationwide awareness and fundraising initiative about all the cancers that affect men – not just prostate and testicular cancer, but also bowel, lung, liver, pancreatic and other cancers.

EAHC Quiz Night For Variety - August 2014

EAHC recently held another quiz night to help raise funds for Variety.  Variety is a "national not-for-profit organisation committed to empowering Australian children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs to live, laugh & learn.

Decision to Not Increase Fees in 2013

Dear Patients:

On the 1st of November each year, the Australian Government has traditionally increased Medicare rebates.  This year, the Government does not intend to increase Medicare rebates at all.

We understand that in this difficult financial climate any increase in our fees will place additional strain upon your household budget, so we have decided not to increase our fees in this financial year.  In order to keep our fees unchanged from November 2012 to July 2014, we are asking all of our patients to pay our accounts in full on the day of service.  As you may be aware, many of our patients are already doing this.

Run4Autism Quiz Night

EAHC recently held a quiz night to help raise funds for the Run4Autism Charity. Run4Autism was created by the family of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, who wanted to set up a fundraising site to help all Australian Autism organisations. The Quiz Night was a great success, and a total of $5,000 was raised for this charity.

Fiona Belton (Exercise Physiologist) Joins the EAHC Team (May 2013)

East Adelaide Healthcare is pleased to announce that Fiona Belton will be joining our team in May, 2013.

Fiona has been an Accredited Exercise Physiologist for over 20 years, working with a range of clients from WorkCover and Motor Vehicle Accident patients, to people with various health and musculoskeletal conditions and sports people. Her main interests are in the role of exercise for chronic disease management, exercise for mental health benefits, type 2 diabetes and injury rehabilitation. Fiona is also a consultant Exercise Physiologist and lecturer at TAFE SA. Fiona will consult on a Tuesday morning at the Marden surgery.

For more information click here.


Christmas Charities Involvement - December, 2012

Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

This Christmas, EAHC has set up collection boxes at both surgeries for donations of non perishable food items, which will be distributed by the salvation army to families in need in the Campbelltown and surrounding areas. We also have money collections at both surgeries if you would like to donate. 

For more information visit the Salvation Army website.

Hutt Street Centre

This year the EAHC team (including our general practitioners, medical specialists, allied health and staff) have decided that instead of participating in our annual Kris Kringle, all the money that would have been spent will be donated to the Hutt Street Centre.  The Hutt Street is a "multi-service Day Centre that opens its doors and hearts to Adelaide's most vulnerable men and women."

For more information visit the Hutt Street Centre website.

Prof. Robert Fraser Joins the EAHC Team - September 2012

East Adelaide Healthcare is very pleased to welcome Prof. Robert Fraser to the EAHC Team.

Professor Fraser is an academic gastroenterologist with major interests in gastrointestinal dysmotility, gut function in older people, and screening and surveillance for colorectal and oesophageal cancer.

Prof. Fraser will be consulting at our Marden Surgery on a Thursday afternoon (fortnightly).

For more information about Prof. Fraser click here.

For information about bookings, call us on 8362 2233.

Happy 1st Birthday Marden - August 2012

It has already been one year since EAHC moved into the new facility at Marden. We officially moved in on the 8th of August, 2011. Since then we have welcomed many new people to our EAHC team including medical specialists and allied health practitioners, as well as the opening of Skinwise Healthcare Skin Cancer Clinic and MoleMap by Dermatologists.

Congratulations to Dr. Massolino - June 2012

Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Massolino on becoming a Knight of the Italian Republic. Dr. Massolino received the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic from the Italian Consul for his commitment and hard work given to the Italian Community over the years. This award is one of the highest given in Italy and was marked by the attendance of special guests including the Premier, Leader of the Opposition and other ministers and distinguished guests. We are very proud of him at EAHC.

Pharmacist Manya Angley Joins the EAHC Team - May 2012

East Adelaide Healthcare is very pleased to welcome Manya Angley to our team.

Manya has joined the team at East Adelaide Healthcare as a consultant pharmacist where her role is primarily doing Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs).

For more information click here